Compute Metrics and Variables for Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Clouds
This function computes a set of metrics and variables from the Terrestrial-Based Technologies point cloud data, which have a high potential to be related or used as direct estimates (in the case of variables) of forest attributes at plot level. These can be obtained for different plot designs (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plots). This function also includes methodologies for correcting occlusions generated in TLS single-scan point clouds.
metrics.variables(tree.tls, tree.ds = NULL, tree.field = NULL, = c("fixed.area", "k.tree", "angle.count"),
plot.parameters = data.frame(radius = 25, k = 50, BAF = 4),
scan.approach = "single", var.metr = NULL,
dbh.min = 4, h.min = 1.3,
max.dist = Inf, = NULL,
save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)
- tree.tls
Data frame with information about trees detected from terrestrial-based technologies point clouds data in the same format as
‘Values’.- tree.ds
Optional list containing detection probabilities of trees with distance sampling methods. The format must be the same as the ‘Value’ obtained with
. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, TLS metrics using distance sampling based correction will not be calculated for circular fixed area and k-tree plot designs.- tree.field
Data frame with information about trees measured in the field plots. Each row must correspond to a (plot, tree) pair, and it must include at least the following columns:
: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. Plot identifications must coincide with those included inid
column of thetree.tls
: trees numbering.h.dist
: horizontal distance (m) from plot centre to tree centre. Centres of the field plots must coincide with centres of their corresponding Terrestrial-based technologies plots.dbh
: tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m).h
: tree total height (m).h.blc
: height based live crown (m) (optional).h.bdc
: height based dead crown (m) (optional).v.user
: tree volume (m^3) (optional).w.user
: tree biomass (Mg) (optional).dead
: integer value indicating for each tree if it is dead (1) or not (NA).
Vector containing the plot designs considered. By default, all plot designs will be considered (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plots).
- plot.parameters
Data frame containing parameters for circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plot designs. If there is a
column in thetree.list.tls
argument, it must have the same number of rows as strata values and they must be named using strata encoding. If plot parameters are not specified, the corresponding plot designs will not be considered in the function. If no parameter is specified, the function will stop giving an error message! The parameters are as follows:
: plot radius (m) considered for circular fixed area plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.k.tree
: number of trees (trees) considered for k-tree plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.BAF
: basal area factor (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) considered for angle-count plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.num.trees
: number of dominant trees per ha (tree/ha), i.e. those with largest dbh, considered for calculating dominant diameters and heights. In the absence of this argument, the number will be assumed to be 100 trees/ha.
- scan.approach
Character parameter indicating TLS single-scan (‘single’) or TLS multi-scan approach or SLAM point clouds (‘multi’) approaches. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘multi’ approach.
- var.metr
Optional vector containing all the metrics and variables of interest. By default it will be set as NULL and thus, all the metrics and variables available will be generated.
- dbh.min
Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.
- h.min
Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.
- max.dist
Optional argument to specify the maximum horizontal distance considered in which trees will be included.
Optional character string naming the absolute path of the directory where TXT files containing TLS point clouds are located.
must be used as the path separator
, and TXT files in the directory must have the same description and format as indicated for TXT files innormalize
‘Output Files’. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set toNULL
by default and, as consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned todir.dat
during the execution.- save.result
Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in
. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set toTRUE
by default and, as consequence, the output files will be saved.- dir.result
Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved.
must be used as the path separator indir.result
. If this argument is not specified by the user, andsave.result
, it will be set toNULL
by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned todir.result
during the execution.
This function also works for several plots. In this case, a column named "id" to identify plots (string character or numeric) must be included in the tree.list.tls
database argument. This must coincide with the corresponding "id" assigned in normalize
to TXT files saved in
(for more details see normalize
). In addition, if there are several strata, they can be processed separately according to plot.parameters
values (where each row will represent one stratum). If tree.list.tls
does not include a specific "stratum" column, it will be assumed to have only one stratum, which will be encoded according to rownames(plot.parameters)[1]
Using TLS data, this function computes metrics and estimations of variables (see ‘Value’) for plot design specified in the plot.parameters
argument. The notation used for variables is based on IUFRO (1959).
At this stage, three plot designs are available:
Circular fixed area plots, simulated only if a
value is specified in theplot.parameters
argument.k-tree plots, simulated only if a
value is specified in theplot.parameters
argument.Angle-count plots, simulated only if a
value is specified in theplot.parameters
Volume is estimated modelling stem profile as a paraboloid and calculating the volumes of revolution; where trees dbh are estimated in tree.detection.single.scan
and tree.detection.multi.scan
, and total heights are estimated as percentile 99 of z coordinate of points delimited by Voronoi polygons.
Regarding occlusion corrections for estimating variables, apart from distance sampling methods considered in distance.sampling
, another occlusion corection based on correcting the shadowing effect (Seidel & Ammer, 2014) has been included to estimate some variables in circular fixed area and k-tree plots. In the case of angle-count plots, occlusion corrections are based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS depending on Poisson model (Strahler et al., 2008; Lovell et al., 2011).
List including TLS-based metrics and variables computed for plot designs considered. The list will contain one element per plot design considered (fixed.area.plot, k.tree.plot and angle.count.plot):
- fixed.area.plot
If no value for
is specified in theplot.parameters
; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in a circular fixed area plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will have the following columns:Stratum, plot identification and radius:
: stratum identification encoded as a character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included in thestratum
column oftree.list.tls
: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. It will coincide with those included in theid
column oftree.list.tls
and, if applicable, thedistance.sampling
: radius (m) of the simulated plot.
Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:
: stand density (trees/ha) without occlusion
: stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (seedistance.sampling
). These columns will not appear if thedistance.sampling
argument isNULL
: stand density (trees/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect. respectively).G.tls
: stand basal area (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) without occlusion
: stand basal area (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (seedistance.sampling
). These columns are missing ifdistance.sampling
argument isNULL
: stand basal area (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) with correction of the shadowing effect.V.tls
: stand volume (\({m}^{3}/ha\)) without occlusion
: stand volume (\({m}^{3}/ha\)) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (seedistance.sampling
). These columns will be missing if thedistance.sampling
argument isNULL
: stand volume (\({m}^{3}/ha\)) with correction of the shadowing effect.d.tls
: mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.h.tls
: mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.d.0.tls
: dominant mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.h.0.tls
: dominant mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.
Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:
: number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud (n.pts
, respectively); and number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the reduced point cloud (
, respectively).P01
: height percentiles derived from z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level (m).mean.arit.z/rho/phi
: central tendency statistics for z, rho (horizontal distance) and r (euclidean distance) coordinates (arithmetic, quadratic, geometrical and harmonic means, median and mode, respectively).var.z/rho/phi
: dispersion tendency statistics for z, rho and r coordinates (variance, standar deviation, coefficient of variation, range, interquartile range, maximum and minimum, respectively).kurt.z/rho/phi
: curtosis and skewness, respectively.L1.z/rho/phi
: L-moments of order 2, 3 and 4, median of the absolute deviations from the overall median and mode of the absolute deviations from the overall mode,
: third and fourth central moments, respectively.PA.2m
: percentage of laser returns above 2 m, mean and mode, respectively.PB.2m
: percentage of laser returns below 2 m, mean and mode, respectively.weibull.b.z/rho/phi
: scale and shape parameters, respectively, for Weibull distribution fitted for z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level.
- k.tree.plot
If no value for
is specified in theplot.parameters
; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in the k-tree plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will include the following columns (same description and format as indicated infixed.area.plot
element):Stratum, plot identification and k:
: stratum identification encoded as character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included in thestratum
column oftree.list.tls
: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric value. It will coincide with those included inid
column oftree.list.tls
or, if applicable, thedistance.sampling
: number of trees in the simulated plot.
Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:
Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:
: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.
- angle.count.plot
If no value for
is specified in theplot.parameters
; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in the angle-count plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will include the following columns:Stratum, plot identification and BAF:
: stratum identification encoded as character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included instratum
column oftree.list.tls
: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. It will coincide with those included in theid
column oftree.list.tls
: BAF (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) of the simulated plot.
Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:
: same description and format as indicated in thefixed.area.plot
: stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS.fixed.area.plot
: same description and format as indicated for thefixed.area.plot
: stand basal area (\({m}^{2}/ha\)) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance from TLS.V.tls
: same description and format as indicated for thefixed.area.plot
: stand volume (\({m}^{3}/ha\)) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance from TLS.d.tls
Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:
: same description and format as indicated for thefixed.area.plot
Output Files
After computing metrics and variables, if the save.result
argument is TRUE
, the function will save the elements in the list described in ‘Value’ (fixed.area.plot
, k.tree.plot
and angle.count.plot
), which are different from NULL
as CSV files. Data frames are written without row names in the dir.result
directory by using write.csv
function from the utils package. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘metrics.variables.<plot design>.csv’,
being ‘<plot design>’ equal to “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot”
according to the plot design.
In order to optimize plot designs and, therefore, for better use of metrics.variables
, other functions such as correlations
, relative.bias
and estimation.plot.size
should be used.
This function will be updated as new metrics are developed.
IUFRO (1959). Standarization of symbols in forest mensuration. Vienna, Austria, IUFRO.
Lovell, J. L., Jupp, D. L. B., Newnham, G. J., & Culvenor, D. S. (2011). Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(1), 46-55. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.08.006
Seidel, D., & Ammer, C. (2014). Efficient measurements of basal area in short rotation forests based on terrestrial laser scanning under special consideration of shadowing. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 7(4), 227. doi:10.3832/ifor1084-007
Strahler, A. H., Jupp, D. L. B., Woodcock, C. E., Schaaf, C. B., Yao, T., Zhao, F., Yang, X., Lovell, J., Culvenor, D., Newnham, G., Ni-Miester, W., & Boykin-Morris, W. (2008). Retrieval of forest structural parameters using a ground-based lidar instrument (Echidna®). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(sup2), S426-S440. doi:10.5589/m08-046
# \donttest{
# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()
# Loading example data included in FORTLS
tree.tls <-$tree.tls
tree.tls <- tree.tls[tree.tls$id == "1", ]
# Download example of TXT file corresponding to plot 1 from Rioja data set
download.file(url = "",
destfile = file.path(, "1.txt"), mode = "wb")
# Considering distance sampling methods (only for single-scan approaches)
ds <- distance.sampling(tree.tls)
#> Warning: First partial hessian is singular; using second-partial hessian
#> Warning: First partial hessian is singular; using second-partial hessian
#> Warning: First partial hessian is singular; using second-partial hessian
met.var.TLS <- metrics.variables(tree.tls = tree.tls,
tree.ds = ds,
plot.parameters = data.frame(radius = 10, k = 10, BAF = 2), =, dir.result = dir.result)
#> Computing metrics for plot: '1'
#> Warning: cannot xtfrm data frames
#> (14.71 secs)
# }