Inventoried Plots Data for a Stand Case Study in La Rioja
This list includes trees detected with TLS for 16 single scans corresponding to plots located in La Rioja, a region of Spain, in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (first element), as well as those inventoried in the field for these 16 plots (second element). Plot attributes related to stand stratum are also included (third element).
The elements of the list are as follows:
: data frame that includes the list of trees detected withtree.detection.single.scan
for 16 TLS single-scan sampling points. The following variables are provided for each tree (seetree.detection.single.scan
‘Value’ for more details):[,1] id character/numeric [,2] file character [,3] tree numeric [,4] x numeric [,5] y numeric [,6:8] phi, phi.left, phi.right numeric [,9] h.dist numeric [,10] dbh numeric [,11] h numeric [,12] v numeric [,13:16] n.pts, n.pts.red, n.pts.est, n.pts.red.est numeric [,15] partial.occlusion numeric tree.list.field
: data frame that includes the list of trees measured in 16 circular fixed area plots of radius 20 m, whose centres coincide with TLS single-scans points. The following variables are provided for each tree:[,1] id numeric plot identification (coincident to TLS scans) [,2] tree numeric trees numbering [,3] Sp numeric specie code according to NFI () [,4] x numeric x cartesian coordinate [,5] y numeric 7 cartesian coordinate [,6] h.dist numeric horizontal distance (m) from plot center to tree center [,7] dbh numeric tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m) [,8] h numeric tree total height (m) [,9] dead numeric dead (1) or not (NA) [,10] v.user numeric stem volume (m^3) estimated with allometric equations [,11] w.user numeric stem biomass (Mg) estimated with allometric equations